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Share you philosophy about the breakfast burrito.....got a quote? e-mail it to ilovebreakfastburritos@yahoo.com

A breakfast burrito by any other name, is still probably a breakfast burrito...unless it doesn't look like one. Then I dunno what to tell you.

A man without a breakfast burrito is a sad man indeed.

Don't be caught without your breakfast burrito in a dark alley.....It could save your life.

Breakfast burritos don't kill people....its stupid people with breakfast burritos that kill people.

Breakfast burritos can save the world....

WWYBBD? What would your breakfast burrito do?

If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your breakfast burrito.

Inspired by St. Clement of Alexandra

I believe the breakfast burritos are our future...teach them well and let them lead the way...show them all the beauty they possess inside.

Got Breakfast Burrito?

Attitude is everything....and so are breakfast burritos.